Thursday, August 13, 2009

WDS presentation day 2 =P

The presentations like telling the meaning of the links though XD But still, I envy their sites. So much better than mine lor. I still need to do prsp status report by today. Number of words left = alot.
Next week must submit vislit assignment and i haven't even started yet O.o>.< I wonder why must draw mutated ninja turtles. I think I draw maybe the turtles become more mutated than they are before lol.
Tomorrow got prsp lab test but i got confidence with my lab test. At least more confidence than the prsp assignment XD
Oh and yeah, I wrote this blog post in school (naughty naughty!) XD
I probably be playing the new xbox 360 game that I got recently after the exams. And no, not gonna write a walkthrough. Anyway, gonna go watch the presentations...*snooze*

1 comment:

  1. ORH HOR!! NAUGHTY GIRL! Lol, my turtle will turn out more mutated then yours la - -. Anyway who ask you don't want to do your banner and page design properly. Ahahahah
