Ugh CCN day today -_-
Woke up at 7 am then reach to school at 8.15 am. I seriously didn't know I would walk that fast today. But anyway, saw Larry at 8.20 or so. Waited until 8.32 then decided to call Kean...the guy who told us to meet him at 8.45 am. Guess what? He overslept. So ended up we go to Sophia's dorm to collect the stuff before heading over to itas. Larry wanted to eat curry chicken so I played my DS. After completing 2 quests, I called Kean again and he said he's almost there. Yeah...So the guy who told us to come at the designated timing is LATE! But seriously, today CCN day is a total phailure. Firstly, Kala told our dearest chairman to go sign in. But never said where. So after checking, we went to the location. However, Kala phailed to tell us what to take from there. I think I got LOA...Kala said everyone will get LOA so w/e. So yeah, screw CCN day. I won't want to bore you. It's too boring, trust me.
But I had lots of fun during CCN day =/. Must be cause I got many things to blog about! Lol!