Thursday, October 29, 2009
time flies
Must bring com tomorrow otherwise will die of boredom. XD Got two hours break but then cannot enjoy with friends. Larry no school tomorrow (Lucky guy) and everyone else all got different CDS. I just realise that CDS is like the CD conspiracy...O.O
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
carc lecture again -_-
See? I not alone. Everyone hates the macman. Freezing cold lecture hall. Keep forgetting to bring my jacket. -_-
Must remember next time. At least beats Larry's and Tricia's spot. Theirs is really artic cold sia XD
Just now did some coding in C++. Finally a visual studios that work for me. Got stumped for the last three questions but don't care lar. Just copy and try to make out for now. Seriously don't understand lor. Later got 2 hours break. Wonder what to eat later. Just now everyone say want to skip lecture, in the end also never. Wonder what to do now.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
random title
Dunno what to put for title so I guess that will do. Today got carc tut. So sian. I almost never come for tutorial cos I thought school starts at 1 XD Don't care lar. I don't like macman anyway <.< I never do tutorial either =P Then got 2 hours lunch. Everywhere also crowded. Keep walking and walking then suddenly everyone want to go out eat. I lazy lar. I walk to school so fast then must go out of school to eat. So I tell everyone I not going out. I going itas eat. Kean also follow cos both me and him want test out the 'trading' function in FF tactics. Turns out the 'trading' function doesn't let us trade anyway. So quite a disappointment. So after eat already we all go down to ground floor after meeting chen yong. Then all of a sudden, I got drag into a dota match XD Updated my warcraft III then started to think maybe I should install Red Alert 3 sia. Dota for 30 mins only then end up I getting pwned. I managed to kill charlton's hero though XD I only lvl9 then everyone were like lvl12 and over.
After that, went for OOGP. Then we had pair programming. Something like two people helping each other coding I guess. I partner with Midzi. XD He help me correct my coding errors. Like the words with capital letters and which one should remain in undercase. Then I keep seeing Tricia going up and increasing the temperature of the air con. The teacher keep commenting that other side is colder then he go turn the temperature lower XD. Keep seeing Larry and Tricia freezing away. I'm not changing my seat. My seat is cold but theirs are artic lulz. Then my com don't want to work properly. I keep getting linker errors. Screw the com.
In the end, we managed to complete the lab exercises faster than Larry and Tricia. See? Even we average people can still beat a pro! At the end of the day, I forgot that kean promised to trade me some strong equips from his Disgrea game to mine XD Nevermind lar, still got tomorrow 2 hours break.
At home, I installed visual studios FINALLY. Screw microsoft lar. Always cause me so much trouble. Lesson of the day:
If anything goes wrong, it has to be Microsoft.
Anyway, I help kean download a rom. This time must make sure I get some equips from him in Disgrea.
Monday, October 26, 2009
screw CARC
Everyone's joking around but damn don't understand. Ah, shouldn't eavesdrop.
In other news,
the projector didn't work XD I bet is karma lar. Teacher suay but students happy =P
Larry began nicknaming my story 'The rawr of moonlight'. lulz.
Ah curse my karma...projector started working.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
the start of week 2 (almost)
It's sunday...And I think I forgot the Iphone picture thingy...Ugh...Curse you my laziness! *shakes fist at sky* But I did find inspiration to write a new chapter in my ongoing story. You know, the one I wrote on deviantart titled 'The roar of moonlight'. It was going great until I got writer's block. -_-
Great, not a single idea comes to my head when I finally found the mood to write.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009 weird
So the time screwed up for the previous entries. Wonder why I didn't realise that. Doesn't matter. Nothing new today except for boring OOGP. C++ again. Tried buying the book but no one selling. =/
Nevermind, tomorrow short day. Go for 3 hours of IHCI (Introduction to Human Computer Interaction) then can go home. Tried downloading the Visual Studios but must verify student. Guess what? Temasek Polytechnic isn't in the listed school XD Sometimes, this school is just win.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
2nd day of the 2nd semester
Thursday, October 15, 2009
weird dream
I had a weird dream last night (I think larry's blog post influence mine o.o).
I was dreaming about a heck lot of animes thrown together. But mostly the anime D.Gray-man. I should really stop watching all these animes and reading mangas during my spare time WHILE listening to music >.<
But then again, the holiday was fun and yet boring at the same time XD

Ah dang, I got school from monday to friday...Looks that way. At least I'll be learning jap. Hopefully it's easy. There is a reason why I didn't pass my chinese! I don't even know what some acronym mean. They should've put some help over there or something. But no, they didn't. Ah well, just look at the bright side of things. I get to wake up late for 2 days and I have 2 hour breaks for 2 days. And I only have to stay in school till 5 pm.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
School's starting...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
this month just isn't my month
Second, I got a runny nose and been sneezing. I bet it's the haze >.<
Fourth, I'm just dang mad.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
disasters after another
Disasters after another. First got typhoon, then got earthquake and tsunami, then got typhoon again. >.< I hope my friends from Philipines are ok. Wi-fi has also been quite bad. I think is the earthquake affecting the undersea cables. Happened before, I think happened again. Well, can't stay gloomy all the time. Must learn to accept hard facts. Just look on the bright side of things and look towards the future =)